About me
Claudia Haas – Baukulturelle Vermittlung
Contact: [email protected]
Initiator and organizer of interdisciplinary projects on architecture
The theatre space is a place of encounter. The human is the centre of attention. Here we live, work and negotiate, a dialog which has moved mankind since the beginning. Haas has been involved with these themes since her time in the theatre; first in stage design, then she switched to directing. She completed a three-year theatre directing apprenticeship with Katharina Thalbach at the Thalia Theatre in Hamburg and then with Frank Castorf at the legendary Volksbühne in Berlin.
Urban space is architectural thought. It defines participation in social life, it is the basis for a well-functioning democracy. This (political) understanding of architecture characterizes Haas' second professional career. In her international projects, Claudia Haas, creates a trusting environment in which research and teaching in diverse interdisciplinary fields are brought together.
A prominent position in these cooperative efforts is occupied by the involvement of the faculty of architecture, cultural and exile studies. Particularly, in the Bruno Taut project, these fields of activity bring a dialogue-oriented cooperation.
Gustav Oelsner – architect, urban planner and building senator of Altona-Hamburg, was the centre of Haas’ research for eight years. Her discoveries took her to Istanbul, Turkey, where she presented her Oelsner exhibition at the Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University and the Chamber of Architects, Istanbul, including a workshop initiated by Haas on "Architects in Turkish Exile" at the Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul. In 2020, as a result of the pandemic, an online exhibition was presented: https://www.baukulturelle-vermittlung.org. Today, she collaborates on other architectural projects with experts from a wide range of disciplines.